
Valuing Insurance Liabilities with Embedded Financial Guarantees

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Learn how Numerix CrossAsset can be used to value insurance products with benefits such as a Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefit (GMDB).


Mario Bonino, Senior Financial Engineer, Numerix

Many insurance firms offer insurance products with optional living and death benefits, which make them attractive to customers but also increase the complexity of the contracts. From an insurer’s perspective, these are essentially sophisticated structured products with embedded options, and it can be challenging to value and manage the risk of these contracts.

While some insurers choose to develop in-house solutions to value these products, many others turn to quantitative modeling experts like Numerix for flexible off-the-shelf software capable of accommodating these complex structures.

Join Mario Bonino of Numerix as he showcases how Numerix’s CrossAsset software can be utilized to value liabilities with embedded financial guarantees, focusing on an example of a Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefit (GMDB) and outlining how to:

  • Project future cash flows
  • Estimate the embedded guarantee’s value
  • Quantify sensitivities to risk factors

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